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Whitepaper examines the importance of CMM stylus selection for measurement accuracy

At the sharp end – a guide to CMM stylus selection

White paper:  White paper:  At the sharp end - a guide to stylus selection

[...] this foundation for good metrology can be undermined by an inappropriate or ill-considered choice of stylus, with the result that measurement accuracy can be compromised.

Download the paper

The four-page whitepaper 'At the sharp end - a guide to CMM stylus selection' examines key issues including:

  • the impact of stylus selection on measurement uncertainty
  • stylus ball sphericity (roundness)
  • stylus bending
  • thermal stability
  • stylus tip material selection

The white paper is essential reading for all users of co-ordinate measuring machines.

Download 'At the sharp end - a guide to CMM stylus selection'


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White paper

All images and text - copyright Renishaw